Posts tagged chocolate
Cioccolata calda

Meet American hot chocolate’s exotic, wiser, slightly moodier older sister, one who had lived a year abroad in Europe, studied philosophy, and spent lots of time writing, or thinking deep thoughts. Ladies and gentleman, I give you Italy's cioccolata calda, dark and rich and thick enough to drink with a spoon.

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1940s Wacky Chocolate Cake

This cake carries beautifully into this century, deeply chocolate-y but also unexpectedly light for a chocolate cake, the perfect foil for the rich buttery careful-or-you-might-eat-the-whole-batch caramel icing poured over the top, sprinkled with a handful of crunchy pecans, while we're at it. Bonus: if you leave out the frosting, this cake is also vegan -- no butter, no eggs.

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